A Few sbo Prayers Would Be Welcome


I became an uncle today for the very first time. What would normally be some of the best news of my life has been tempered by some complications.

Jeffrey Paul Johnson was born at about 3:30 ET, but the delivery was anything but smooth.

Once my sister went into labor, there seemed to be a problem with JP’s heart rate. The doctors were concerned enough that they rushed my sister to the OR. Once there, the doctors decided there wasn’t enough time to do anything buy knock my sister out and perform a cesarean.

When JP was born, there was a problem with his breathing. In fact, he didn’t seem to be breathing very well on his own at all. Before Jen or Steve could even see him, he was taken to the sbo so he could be hooked up to a ventilator.

JP has some kind of lung infection he picked up while in the womb. The doctors are worried that if he’s taken of the ventilator, he won’t want to use his lungs because it will hurt, and he hasn’t learned yet that his lungs are the only way he’ll be able to breathe.

The good news is that other than that, JP appears to be very healthy. And my sister came through it all okay (she’s still a little woozy from the medication, so I haven’t talked to her yet). Steve seems to be handling it all really well, but he and Jen have always been strong.

It’s a delicate time right now, and I could really use your prayers. I’ve got plans to teach JP how to play volleyball and disc golf and, most importantly, poker. I’m his godfather, after all, so I’ve got lots of responsibilities. The biggest is doing whatever I can to make it sure he gets through the next few weeks okay.

In Just Four Hands… It Was Gone

I was back at the Coushatta Casino today for a little No Limit Hold ‘Em. Once again, I tried to get there in time for the noon tourney, but travelling the wrong way on I-10 for 20 minutes put me there as the tournament director was getting things started.So I got my name on the NL list ($100-$200 buy-in, $1/$3 blinds), and sat down at the 3/6/12 table in the meantime. After giving up $40 there in about 45 minutes, they opened a new NL table and I took my seat.

When the day ended, I walked away with absolutely nothing. It was a losing session at a table I know I can beat. A table I’ve beaten before. But it came down to just 4 hands.